Our team is proud of writing and submitting top-notch essays and satisfying the academic needs of our customers. Our goal is to make sure every client is safe when buying a paper from this service. One of the measures we take to ensure your total security is a clear, always improving, and client-oriented full refund warranty. Also known as a money-back guarantee, this feature allows every customer to control the writing process fully. It is possible to reject the order at any phase of work if you change your mind. Our team processes the requests you send to us within 24 hours. We never make our clients wait too long! In case there is something you do not like, you may always count on money back in full. Below, you can find the situations in which you can count on a refund as well as steps to take in such cases:

My order was too late

We barely face this situation, but we are all human beings, and we cannot swear that we will deliver each order before the deadline ALWAYS. Our team does everything possible to avoid any delays, but various cases may happen. We know that meeting the deadline is one of the most important factors in any grade rubric. Each author we hire is an expert in the specific field of study, so they do their best to catch up with all deadlines. They try to send you papers ahead. In case the assigned writer is late with your work for some reasons, our company covers your expenses in full. In such a situation, a Customer has to notify the Support representative about the delay. You can do it by any available means of communication. Discover the possible communication channels on the Contact Us page. Do it within 24 hours of the initial order deadline.

In situations when the order was sent to you lately but you still like it and wish to use, or the revised work was attached late, the money-back warranty does not work. Once again, discuss the details with the Support representative to learn reimbursement information.

Note that if the order was received late because of the delayed submission of requirements, extra study resources, or necessary specifications, our company is not responsible. Anyway, our employees always think of our clients first as you are our top priority. No matter which type of issue takes place, let our Support Team know about it.

I have paid for a couple of orders, but I need just one

Let’s say; you have paid for a couple of or several orders for the same assignment, and you need only one. Talk to our Support reps and specify which order should stay in the system. We will solve the issue in the blink of an eye.

Having doubts regarding the amount of your paid orders? Once again, contact our team to find out — we are available 24/7!

I paid for the same order multiple times!

Do not panic! In case you have paid for the same order more than one time, we can solve the problem once you contact our team. It is important to attach the screenshots of the bank statement displaying the double transactions or receipts from your preferred payment system. We will review your claim ASAP. You will get the refund for each duplicate transaction within twelve hours.

I am a bit disappointed with the quality of my order

In infrequent situations, the customers decide to cancel an incomplete order. In such a case, it is important to let our customer support know about the deal with the help of the available channels of communications discovered on the Contact Us page. You should explain the reasons why you wish to cancel the order-in-process. The representative of our team will get back to you within a couple of hours after you send the claim. Be ready that you will have to describe the problem in details as well as mention the preferred method of refund.

If you dislike the quality, you have three days of the paper deadline to submit your request together with the detailed information such as which requirements were ignored and which parts should be significantly improved. Our experts will revise the content for free in up to two weeks of the Order deadline. We will check whether the writer really failed to meet the requirements. After the revision, the Customer has three days to review the paper and complaint to our support representatives using one of the offered ways mentioned on the Contact Us page. During the conversation, prepare to share clarification of the problem. Company’s Resolution Department is here to solve such cases in 24 hours. They will get back to you with a compensation offer if your words reflect the reality.

Be aware that if you keep silent for 3 days period or longer, the essay is considered as composed according to your requirements. It means no further reimbursement will be possible after that period.

If a complete refund is assigned for the order that was finished, we save the authorship and all rights to use that piece and can publish the paper on the web for learning goals or commercial use. In other words, the content will be detected by any search engine and anti-plagiarism tools, so we do not recommend trying to use it for personal purposes. It will be impossible to replace the text from the websites and search engine cache.

There is no writer available to work on my paper

That is another unusual situation as we have more than 100 writers available online at any time. They specialize in a variety of fields, so it is hard to believe they may skip an order. In rare cases, the writers would better reject the order then do it in a hurry and do it bad. Anyway, each Customer keeps updated about any changes in the working process. In case no writer is assigned, you will be the first one to know ASAP. We will let you know quickly, and provide a full refund.

In case you asked another writer to review and edit the work accomplished before, and our team could not get a replacement, the Resolution Department will observe the episode and proceed with a necessary compensation.